On December 23, 2024, a boat explosion occurred in Fort Lauderdale, FL at the Lauderdale Marinia and 15th Street Fisheries waterside restaurant on the Intracoastal waterway at Port Everglades, killing a 41-year-old Quebec man, and injuring 5 others. Jeff Ostroff breaks down the fire and explosion scene to determine the likely root cause of the boat explosion, and what could be done to prevent future engineering disasters like this.
Link to full 15-minute Pier 66 PTZtv Tower Cam of Boat fire:
“Serious Boat Fire at 15th St Fisheries on 12/23/2024”: https://youtu.be/Yp1VrwwooR8?si=N7JyX2taqgBIuvTU
Boat explosion webcam video Courtesy of EarthCam: https://www.earthcam.com/
Fort Lauderdale Pier 66 tower cam video of boat fire at 15th Street Fisheries used with permission PTZtv.com: https://www.ptztv.com/