Islamic Scholar Motivational and Spiritual Speaker
Mufti Muhammad Akbar Hashmi Baiti
Hafiz e Quran:
Jamia Hussainiya Rander Surat Gujarat, 1995
Tajweed O Qirat:
Jamia Mazhar e Saadat Hansot Gujarat, 1995
High School:
Saraswati Bhuwan High School Jalna Maharashtara: 2006
Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited 2005
Aalimiyat Wa Fazilat:
Madarsa Baitul Uloom Pune 2008
B, Com: YCMOU Nasik Maharashtra 2010
Computer and Laptop Hardware Engineering:
Gov. Poly Shivaji Nagar Pune 2010
Symbiosis International University. 2015
Software Testing Engineering:
Wipro Technologies 2016
Ifta: Al Mahad Ul Ilmi An Nomani Bahraich India 2021
Working Experience:
as Islamic Teacher and Imam from: 1998 to Still
Working as Professional:
Executive / Senior Software Engineer from 2009 to Still
Sunni Deobandi Muslim, and Working With Tableeghi Movement with Markaz Nizamuddin Under Imaarat Hazrat Ji Maulana Saad Kandhalwi DB,
But Respect to All Sunni Theories and Belief In Unity Of All Muslims and Humanity, and help and support all humanity,
Why We Create This Channel,
We can see Muslims in world and specially in India very far from original and authentic Islam and Quran and Sahih Hadith and believing in propaganda stories, so we are giving daily one lesson on current condition and try to guide by this lesson to all Muslims in the bright of Quran and sahih hadith, what we should to do in this condition and situation,
And also we replying masails according to shariah and Quran o hadith,
If anyone wants to ask any Islamic question or any doubt or any masala can email us:
Can follow us to take our Audio speeches by
Mufti Sayyed Akbar Hashmi
Founder and President
Shop 04 Fazle Rahman Building, near Umar Masjid, Meeta Nagar, Kondhwa, Pune, Maharashtra 411048 https://g.co/kgs/P7nk5n
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