Luxury handbag designer Isaac Moore is known for his upscale handbag unboxings among celebrities like Jamie Foxx, Jim Jones, and Trina. However, the luxury designer is now being called out for scamming hundreds of thousands of dollars from Black investors. Successful Black investors like Jodi Lewis, Rosa Ruffin, and Anthony Beverly claim to have signed contracts with Moore, sent thousands of dollars in investments for shows that never happened, and then gotten blocked! Isaac Moore and his attorney claim that the accusations against him are completely false, despite the fact that a number of pending cases against him were also discovered in Harris County, Texas, related to theft of funds and stealing from not only business entities, but also from individuals. Could this be a miscommunication between business partners? Or an elaborate scam that’s slowly unraveling? The Shade Room investigates…
TSR Investigates explores cold cases and special interest news stories underrepresented in mainstream media.
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