There is breaking news this morning about Tesla and BMW. The battle between two automotive giants has been fierce, with the stakes higher than ever before. And now, the verdict is in: Tesla has emerged victorious in the race for luxury car supremacy, leaving BMW in its dust. With the confirmation of these staggering numbers, it is clear that Tesla’s dominance in the market is only growing stronger by the day. The data is undeniable, and the urgency for BMW to step up their game has never been greater. The future of the luxury car industry is at stake, and the question on everyone’s mind is, can BMW rise to the challenge or will they be left behind in Tesla’s rearview mirror?
So new data has confirmed that Tesla has indeed overtaken BMW as the United States’ top luxury vehicle maker in 2022. The race was not close either, especially considering the trends exhibited by the two companies.
#tesla #bmw
This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.