LUXURY HOUSES – Where You Find Your Dream
Luxury Houses Channel honorably accompanies Media Companies and Real Estate Agents, Architectural Firms to present the most luxurious homes and excellent works in the world.
We are very grateful to the Videographer and Photographer who made the amazing materials which used in this video.
– VIDEO CREDIT : Geoff Franklin with Be Film Inc (Website : | Social : &
– PHOTO CREDIT : William Maccollum (
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– Location : Indian Wells, California, United States
– Designed by : Whipple Russell Architects (
– General Contractor : RAM development (
– Structural Engineer : Delta Engineering
– Lighting Design : Fox and Fox Design (
– Landscape Design : Randy Purnel (
– Property Description : The desert is open space and long views, but also the close-up, detailed perfection of the cactus flower. It is nature’s serene minimalism. This is the setting for our project inside the gated community of The Vintage in Indian Wells, California. This project involved deep creative collaboration with clients Bob Davidson and Lisa Park. Lisa, an artist herself, partnered with architect Marc Whipple and the W^R team on every aspect of the interior design, and personally curated or co-designed each of the many art pieces throughout the house. Bob, a businessman and engineer, has a passion for racing and cars, and also for collecting fine wines. So, at the start, the program was going to include dazzling and innovative ways of displaying cars and wine, that would be both highly visible and striking artistic statements. This house is a modern canvas upon which this artist and engineer could play out their strong vision and sense of creative adventure. A home they could call, Serenity.
– Please check more information about this house at :
– Luxury Houses presents the most luxurious houses in the world. Enjoy, dream and keep trying to make your dream home a reality. Please support and moving forwards together.
– All images, videos are copyright each Photographer or Videographer mentioned. We are very honored to credit to whom own the materials in our videos. Please send us your requests to Any request will be taken action within 3 hours.
Music in this video : Embrace & Child by Blackmill