You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: https://www.bluewatercruisingplan.com/ Download our Aspiring Bluewater Cruiser’s Guide here: https://www.bluewaterblueprint.com/
I use Epidemic Sound for almost all the music on my channel, and these guys are killing it!! Massive library, and NEVER had any copyright issues! Sign up for your FREE 30-DAY TRIAL YouTube subscription:
http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL (I get a few bucks when you do, so go try it for free!)
Over 50,000 miles sailed and THIS was literally the toughest 500 miles we’ve ever experienced! 50kt winds and 20ft seas for over 48 hours… a leaky hatch filling the boat with water… what else could go wrong?!
Thanks for tuning in this week! All episodes of our show are created exclusively by me, Keith, & the kids. You can also follow our journey on Facebook and Instagram, or If you’d like to support our video-making efforts, here’s several ways you can share the love: ❤️
—BECOME A MEMBER OF THE Z-CREW! https://sailingzatara.com/members
—BUY A TICKET TO THE SHOW! https://sailingzatara.com/tickets
—GRAB SOME MERCH or BOAT GEAR: https://sailingzatara.com/shop
—WHAT CAMERAS DO WE USE? Find all my favorite filming gear here: https://sailingzatara.com/camera-gear
Happy Sailing!
Renee & the Z-Crew
Music In This Video:
Our Theme song: Float Away by Grabbitz provided by Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/
Find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzuSHCFQD7c
This music provided by Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL
Silkroad Blues by Feras Charestan
Midnight Sun by Savvun