Cheap and affordable could be my middle name. Decided to show you guys my non luxury handbag collection, LOL as you can tell it says NON LUXURY, because I kid you not these items are cheap bags and I’m a proud collector.
Okay jokes apart, I desire designer bags and luxury items but I can not afford them, at least not yet. So I stick with my Zara, Urban Planet and Call it Spring items. They never fail.
I look forward to building a collection one day, until then enjoy this cheap bag collection.
Let me know in the comment section if you like this kinda content.
However! I spend half of my time on YouTube watching luxury items. Checkout my girl @VioletLuxe she’s the luxury queen mother
Items below:
Aldo Manifee –
Call it Spring Lingua –
Call it Spring Husslerr –
Urban Planet Woven bag –
Zara Quilted Bag –
#lifeincanada #zara