My Non Luxury Handbags | $10 Bag Collection | Cheap and Affordable Bags

Cheap and affordable could be my middle name. Decided to show you guys my non luxury handbag collection, LOL as you can tell it says NON LUXURY, because I kid you not these items are cheap bags and I’m a proud collector.

Okay jokes apart, I desire designer bags and luxury items but I can not afford them, at least not yet. So I stick with my Zara, Urban Planet and Call it Spring items. They never fail.

I look forward to building a collection one day, until then enjoy this cheap bag collection.

Let me know in the comment section if you like this kinda content.

However! I spend half of my time on YouTube watching luxury items. Checkout my girl @VioletLuxe she’s the luxury queen mother

Items below:

Aldo Manifee –
Call it Spring Lingua –
Call it Spring Husslerr –
Urban Planet Woven bag –
Zara Quilted Bag –

#lifeincanada #zara

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