(12 Jan 2008)
London – 11 January, 2008
1. Pan of boats
2. People on back of boat
3. Pan of luxury boat
4. Deck of luxury boat
5. Various of luxury boats
6. Set up Stefan Wertons, Director of charters, Sunseeker
7. Various of interior of luxury yacht
8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Stefan Wertons, Director of charters, Sunseeker
“This is 90 foot yacht, we call it. We charter it all over the world. It could be the south of France, it could be Italy, it could be the Balearics, it could be Australia, it could be the Bahamas. Literally everywhere in the world. The cost of it, around �44,000 English pounds ($86, 000) a week for up to eight persons. That includes the crew, a certain amount of fuel, and then a lot of extras on top of that. So a fair amount, but you got to remember the boat itself is probably �3.5 million pounds ($6.8 million).”
9. Cutaway model of yacht
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Stefan Wertons, Director of charters, Sunseeker
“Most of our boats are tailor made for each client, so at the end of the day if you’ve got the money, we will make it.”
11. Various of people looking at luxury yachts
12. Pan of Sealine yachts
13. Set up Nicholas Turner, sales and marketing director, Sealine
14. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nicholas Turner, sales and marketing director, Sealine
“People are looking for innovation in boat design. For the past ten, twelve years the main British boat builders have tended to fallow a similar theme, wit quite traditional design. Some have been breaking away from that, we’re started to beak away from that, with much more modern, very British design, and that seems a trend that is very well received.”
15. Various of interiors of Sealine boats
16. Various of views from boat
17. Various of people looking at luxury boats
18. SOUNDBITE: (English) Rob Stevens, Chief Executive, British Marine Federation
“There quite impressive figures. We have grown at about 7 per cent over last seven years. And the figures are now �2.8 billion pounds ($5.5 billion ) in the industry, and if you include the tourism associated with it, that’s another �2 billion ($4 billion) . So we’re about a �5 billion pound ($9.7 billion) industry.”
19. Wide of line of large luxury yachts
20. Various of interior of boat
21. SOUNDBITE: (English) Peter Whitehead, Director Marine Finance, Bank of Scotland
“The market tends to be very robust in terms of the profile of people who buy boats, they do live for boating a lot of people and they tend to be fairly well heeled (wealthy) people who are buying boats and inevitably in the small to medium range marketplace there has been some challenges for
dealers operating in that market place, generally the market is fairly robust. ”
22. Various of ‘Montery’ boat
23. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nigel, Vox Pop
“If you want somewhere to truly relax have a boat, even if it is on the river, you are away from it all you go at your own pace, down from seventy miles (112 km) per hour to four miles (6.4 km) per hour. What could be better ?”
24. Couple toasting with champagne on deck of yacht
25. SOUNDBITE: (English) Tony, Vox Pop
“I ordered a boat, last boat show 2007 and it is here today on the princess stand so I came to look at for the first time. ”
26. SOUNDBITE: (English) Peter Reid, Reid Boats
“This is the starfish dingy, it’s a fibreglass boat it sells for �545, its designed for children from the age of four to twelve. Its an entry boat, it gets them on the water, it gets them used to the motion of boats, rocking.”
27.Wide of dingy stand
28. Pan of boat show
Sealine is a British based boat builder.
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