How to Spot a Fake Designer Handbag In 7 Steps

How to choose the real designer handbag and spot a fake handbag? How to differ fake from real easily?
Buying a luxury car for men: you have to be very attentive to small details and know everything about your dream handbag. That’s why we decided to create a short yet very useful guide that will teach you how to choose the real thing.

Pay attention to details 0:44
Check clasps, buttons, and zippers 1:15
Pay attention to the materials 1:49
Check tags and labels 2:15
Take a closer look at its serial number 2:41
An expensive handbag always has expensive packaging 3:03
Each brand has its very own distinct characteristics 3:25

– All of the stitches should be perfectly even, and there should be no loose threads or any other visual defects or imperfections. All genuine designer handbags are handmade.
– Pay special attention to small things like metal clasps, buttons, zipper pulls, plates, and locks. Their quality should be perfect, and they should have a number or a name printed on them, which is another sign of quality and authenticity.
– A famous brand doesn’t use rough leather. They only use fine, high-quality materials. When you touch them, you feel like you are in paradise.
– Fake items often have the brand names printed in different fonts, smudgy letters, or even with misspellings. Tags and labels are always a giveaway.
– The label with the number is sealed and attached in a special way, making it impossible to remove without damaging. Fake items usually have a sticker with a number that has just been glued somewhere on the surface.
– An expensive designer handbag always has expensive packaging, often made of the highest-quality materials. The package your precious bag comes in should have no color defects whatsoever.
– Before visiting a store, do some research on the specific attributes of the chosen brand. Remember – each brand has its very own distinct characteristics.

Do you know other ways to recognize fake bags? Share your experience with us in the comments down below!

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