How To Get An Exotic Car Dealer To Take You Seriously (And Allow a Test Drive)

“How do I get a dealership to take me seriously enough to allow a test drive?”

This is one of the best questions anyone could ask. Frankly, many dealers are skeptical of potential new exotic car owners since there are so many wannabes, tire kickers, and cartoons in the industry just looking for a joyride.

In fact, most exotic car deals are done prior to the car even being driven as most buyers know what they want.

It’s not uncommon to come across a boutique dealer or private seller who won’t even allow a test drive without proof of funds.

As a first-time exotic car buyer, this can be a big, scary purchase. It’s extremely important that you feel comfortable in the car, and that the ergonomics work for you.

So, how do you get behind the wheel to make sure it’s a fit?

If you are new to exotic cars, the best place to start is to watch Youtube videos of the actual car and learn how the car works and feels based on the observations of an experienced driver.

You can also find comparison videos to see how it stacks up against other cars in the same price range.

This will allow you to have a real and genuine conversation with a dealership when visiting.

It is also important to know your buying power… aka what you can afford with proof of funds.

In most cases you won’t be paying cash and that’s 100% ok.

You can get pre-qualified from any preferred banks to show the dealer you are in-market and not just a window shopper.

Once you feel comfortable that a car meets your needed criteria, if possible, you want to target a dealer that sells the same car new.

Call up the selling dealer and tell them you are new to this brand or marquee, and you want to make sure it’s something you’ll like. Speak to a salesperson and make an appointment with them to come see a car.

If they ask, do not tell them you only own a Toyota and leave it at that.

You can tell them you just sold a pre-exotic of roughly the same value as the one you are seeing, or even explain with a plausible story that you’ve come into more money and want to enjoy the fruits of your new lifestyle.

Many will ask if you have ever driven one before. It is ok to say NO and explain that’s why you’re there to begin with.

What’s more important is that you are presenting yourself as a serious potential customer who has done their research, has buying power, and is genuinely interested in buying a new car.

To that end, make sure when you go for your appointment that you look the part.

I’m not saying you have to wear a tux, but your “look” should be relatively polished (even if it’s jeans and a t-shirt), your hair should be neat, you shouldn’t smell like you just came off a job site, etc.

Like it or not, the real world is judging you at all times.

Car dealers will absolutely gauge you by how you dress and the intelligent questions you ask them. Those who can’t project that they understand what they are looking at are typically the first to be dismissed.

Get educated first and you’ll be further ahead in your search and experience of the car itself.

Still not 100% confident that you can walk into a car dealer and know what to say?

Use the negotiation scripts from the Exotic Car Hacks program, and ask fellow members in our Facebook group if anyone has a connection at your dealer of choice to make the introduction less cold.

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