Genius Travel HACKS 2022 | (how to pack to go home)

Packing tips and travel hacks to make coming home from vacation suck a little less.

There are many travel tips to help you prepare for your trip, but not very many for the flight home from your vacation. In today’s video, we will answer questions like how to get your souvenirs home after vacation and what to do with leftover money.

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Hotel hacks video

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0:00 Travel hacks and packing tips
0:29 Order groceries to your home
1:16 Use items from your hotel when packing
2:09 Hotel or airbnb?
2:18 Check your carry-on luggage home
3:14 Buy a new suitcase to check
4:10 What to do with extra money
4:20 Avoid currency conversion fees
4:53 Order items to your home while you are on your trip


Hey there, I’m Megan and I’ve spent 5+ years living and working from over 50 countries around the world. I’m on a mission to prove that anyone (even you!) can do it too.

Portable Professional is a youtube channel full of actionable tips and guides to travel, live and work from anywhere in the world. Serving seasoned digital nomads and first-time travelers alike, it’s the ultimate resource to hack the travel lifestyle.


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