Avoid buying these designer bag brands as they make BAD investments! I’ve made money on my designer bag collection over the years, this is how – my ONE SIMPLE rule when it comes to designer bags as investments. Shop Bags on eBay 👉https://rstyle.me/+J2DyRcAzN85gConAFmDobg
From Givenchy to YSL and Prada, these are some of the brands I’ll avoid buying anything brand new unless it’s on sale. I share my reasons why and let me know in the comments below, have you ever made money on a designer bag?
eBay: https://rstyle.me/+J2DyRcAzN85gConAFmDobg
Farfetch Pre-loved: https://rstyle.me/+DPI8_02y_UwKyYmoO2f54w
Vestaire Collective: https://rstyle.me/+iTtngvzjzgImDjPXrKvBdw
Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/Handbagholic
00:00 Introduction
00:47 Designer bags as investments
02:36 What makes a designer bag a good investment
04:55 The price your pay
07:14 6 luxury bag brands that don’t hold their value
07:21 Bottega Veneta bags
08:40 Givenchy bags
10:13 Gucci bags
10:58 Prada bags
12:32 Saint Laurent YSL bags
13:50 Dior bags
14:43 The only designer bag brands I’d pay full price for
If you like designer handbags please don’t forget to leave a comment below + SUBSCRIBE 👇
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