Luxury Designer Handbag Unboxing 2020!
Let’s open up some designer handbags and goodies I picked up from Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Chloe during my last trip to France. They’re luxury goods for sure, but thanks to the EU’s VAT refund, I saved a ton of money!
I’ll share exactly what I bought, how much I bought it for, and how much I saved by buying them in France. I’ll also tell you everything you need to know about the VAT refund process so you can save money with a VAT refund while buying designer handbags on your next eurotrip, too!
Here’s what we’re opening today:
– Chloe Faye Small Bracelet Bag
– Louis Vuitton Pocket Organizer- Louis Vuitton Key Pouch
– Chanel 19 Wallet on ChainThank you for watching!
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