Cessna Citation II Private Jet For Under $1 Million

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The Cessna Citation II are light single pilot jets built by Cessna. They were first announced in September of 1976, first flew on January 31, 1977 and was certified in March 1978. Over a thousand of these jets were built and delivered. And many of them are still happy flying around the world.

I had the awesome opportunity to check out a 1982 model on my trip to VA. This Citation II is owned by a good friend Raf, who flies it for business and pleasure. It is well equipped and upgraded to glass avionics; Garmin 700 and 750s. Also comes with a nice autopilot system that makes flying this jet a breeze.

Raf also has a great foundation: Forgotten Heroes Foundation http://forgottenheroesfoundation.com

This particular jet was purchased for about $500,000 and then another $200,000 in upgrades. Viola you have a pretty neat private jet for short hops in comfort. The Cessna citation II will seat 9 people comfortably, go up to 2,000 miles at 400 mph and you’re burning roughly 200 gallons of fuel per hour on both engines.

Here are some more stats
Engine: Pratt & Whitney JT15 (about 3,000 lbs of thrust each)
Cruise speed: up to 464 mph at 35,000 ft
Range: 2,299 miles
Rate of climb: 3,040 ft/min
Operating cost: about $1,200 per hour
Price: $500,000 – $1,000,000


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