My Luxury Handbag Collection | Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Dior & More

Here’s my luxury handbag collection. I’m showing you my luxury bags from Chanel, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Dior, YSL, Giuseppe Zanotti, Prada, and Alexander Mcqueen.

I have a diverse collection of bags from the Chanel Classic Flap, Chanel Trendy CC, Hermes Birkin, Hermes Kelly, Dior Lady Dior, and Louis vuitton Capucine. I also have bags you may not be familiar with from the YSL Kate Tassel bag, Alexander Mcqueen Jeweled Satchel, Prada Doctor Bag, Tom Ford Natalia Bag & more. I also have a new bag from the Chanel 22p Collection and the Louis Vuitton Spring 2022 collection.

If you like massive luxury hauls and luxury shopping vlogs be sure to check out my other videos.

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Hermes Collection
Chanel Collection
Louis Vuitton Handbag Collection
Luxury Handbag Collection 2022
Hermes Birkin 30
Hermes Kelly 25
Prada handbag
Dior Handbag

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