10 Best Low Key Luxury Handbags| designer bags worth buying| Loewe, Hermes, Louis Vuitton|

Hi guys, I’m Eileen. Today’s video talks about the 10 best low key luxury handbags. I feel like in the fashion industry, most designer handbags either come with visible logo or monogram. I mean you can’t really miss a Louis Vuitton Classic Monogram Neverfull! In fact, I think most Chanel bags are fairly recognisable as well because of the iconic CC logo and quilted design. Essentially, I think understated designer bags are often harder to come by. That’s why I was really excited to do this video and share with you the best understated luxury bags! I included quite a range of luxury brands, including Loewe, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Mulberry, Celine and Valextra.

Thank you to Amy @FashionablyAMY and Isabelle from @Isabelle’s Style for tagging me!

Best Value For Money Luxury Handbags https://youtu.be/LP3OpesDgic

Only Buy The Perfect Luxury Bag, What I Look For

Best Luxury Handbags To Buy Preloved https://youtu.be/ixG1PCJrN9o

JUMPER (size L) https://bit.ly/2XvVCwr

Earrings https://bit.ly/2Uw155D
(love these! https://bit.ly/2AgtpCq)

*Necklace https://bit.ly/3fU3fos


I always make my online purchases through Quidco cash back website. It’s absolutely free to sign up and it’s save me over £2k in 10 years. http://tidd.ly/61872cf8

If you are based in US, Ebates is maybe a better option https://bit.ly/2Lckov3

If you do shop online, you need SHOPTAGR! it’s an awesome app that allows you to save all your favourite luxury items. It also notifies you when they are on sales!
SHOPTAGR APP https://bit.ly/2OfhCue

I do a lot more review on other luxury items on my blog, so make sure to drop by


I absolutely love learning by listening to Audiobooks now and I highly recommend Audible to anyone with a hectic schedule. Try is free for 30 days! You will love it.

Instagram: colourful_noir

MUSIC: Bensound

Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. Items marked with an * were gifted and all other items were purchased by myself. Some of the links included in my videos are affiliate links. Purchasing an item(s) via the affiliate link doesn’t affect the price you pay. Instead I MAY receive a small % commission for sharing these items with you. I do take the time to choose my affiliate links so thank you in advance for trusting me and using these links as it helps support my channel.

#luxury #designerbags #luxurybags

Thank you so much for watching this video about the 10 best low key luxury handbags including Loewe Hammock Drawstring bag, Valextra Iside, Hermes Garden Party, Mulberry Mini Millie and more xx

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